Together we protect climate

The Carbon Forests Project is carried out in many ways.

Large companies, smaller firms, as well as regular consumers of legal age may take part in it through the purchase of Carbon Dioxide Units (JDW), which have been produced as the effect of the activities involved in this project.

Entities conducting business will be able to purchase JDW during the auction, which is planned for the second half of 2018.

Currently, letters of intent confirming the willingness to buy JDW have been signed by several entities throughout the country. The purchase of JDW is also an investment in the company’s image and public relations.

To date, letters of intent have been signed by the following companies: PKN ORLEN SA, PGNiG SA, PGE - GiEK SA, KGHM Polska Miedź SA, Tauron Wytwarzanie SA, Enea SA, Energa SA, Grupa Azoty SA, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA, PKP Cargo SA, Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa SA, Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa / Rolmex SA, Budimex SA, OGP GAZ-SYSTEM SA, International Paper Polska Ltd., and OZE Foundation / Lokaty Ziemskie Ltd.

Currently, the legal procedure for purchasing JDW by regular consumers is being prepared. Probably JDW will be available to them during COP24 in Katowice. All proceeds from both: the auction and the retail sale of JDW will be allocated for the implementation of projects in the field of forest education, nature protection, tourism and the development of local communities.